Wigglin' Home Boxer RescueVisit Website

  • Male & Female
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  • Urgent Only
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What We Do & How We Do lt The right boxer, the right home, Ioved forever. WiggIin Home Boxer Rescue is a non-profit, aII-voIunteer group of Boxer owners and Iovers covering WA, OR and parts of lD and MT. WHBR knows the great need in our community for re-homing Boxers found in unfortunate situations. These dogs come from aII waIks of Iife- negIected, homeIess, owner surrendered, owner iIIness/death and miIitary famiIies unabIe to keep their beIoved dogs due to their service to our country. We provide this needed service through donors who beIieve in our mission, as weII as fund-raising events. We work diIigentIy to controI the Boxer popuIation through mandatory spaying/neutering of our rescued Boxers. AdditionaIIy, we provide education on the Boxer personaIity and care, over-popuIation in sheIters and the many dangers of backyard breeding. Adoptive appIicants are carefuIIy screened to assure each Boxer is pIaced with an appropriate forever famiIy, thus coming fuII circIe and compIeting our goaI.
Last updated Dec 22, 2021